The smart City Building Blocks and their synergy with smart villages - Distinguished Lecture Program

6 August 2020

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter in association with IEEE Educational Activities Kerala hosted the Distinguished Lecture program  on the topic ‘The smart City Building Blocks and their synergy with smart villages ’.The Lecture was handled by  Prof.Dr.Saifur Rahman, Founder director, Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute,  USA on 6th August 2020, using the platform Cisco WebEx.


Prof.Dr.Saifur Rahman clearly explained about the topic. He mainly focused on questions about whether a smart city or a smart village is necessary for the present scenario. The webinar was very informative and interesting, the session was followed by a Q&A session where the delegates raised their concerns and doubts and the speaker took the time and effort to clear all of them.  


They have conducted a report writing competition as a part of the Distinguished lecture program on 6th August 2020, 7 PM. It was a hard and quite good competition with lots of innovative ideas from the young minds.


More than 1000 participants attended the webinar.E-Certificates were provided for the participants.

The session started at 7 pm and wound up at 8 pm. Report writing competition was held at the end of the webinar.