“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”
John c Maxwell
The most awaited event of IEEE PES Kerala section, “PES one on one”, the chairs meet came to reality on 7th April 2019.The event was successfully hosted at Model Engineering’ college ,Thrikkakara with 48 members from different student branch across Kerala. The set of speakers was the main attraction of the day. As every program starts with silent prayer, the event too took of its journey with the prayer. Later moved on to the internal sessions with the welcome speech and IEEE code of ethics by Er.Anandhu S Kumar, student activity coordinator, IEEE PES Kerala chapter, a vibrant volunteer who is a motivation for many. Then moved on to the presidential address by Prof. Shobha Manakkal, vice chair IEEE PES Kerala chapter.
One of the most prominent attraction of the event, the session by Mr. Suhair ,chairman IEEE PES Kerala chapter,on PES Kerala chapter goals 2019 and SB chapters .The session successfully travelled through the IEEE and PES.It pointed out the main aspects such as need for technical knowledge the necessity to acquire it, the healthy sides of networking and the various benefits one could attain from the PES.The session was intact a good one that everyone could analyze and enrich them with the need of technology and technical skill
The other one attraction was the session held by Shobha Manakkal where she shared her view on how to utilize the opportunities in PES to excel in academia funding sources for a academia project or initiatives (MDI, IPISA). The session was completely packed up with knowledge and were very interesting and held up the listeners till the end. The session by prof Nandan ,chair student activity committee clearly explained and took a detailed class on the roles of student leadership team between student branch and society chapter and the value of ethical volunteering.The session was too good that one could clearly understand how a perfect volunteer should be. That was the end of the morning section.
The noon session started off with Prof Sunil Paul, CEO Shristi Robotics who just created a live session on creating an environment of R&D in student branches /chapters. It was fully engaging and no one could even get distracted from it.The last but not the least was the session held on reporting by Anandhu s Kumar who explained up each and every details the SB reporting PES Kerala Newsletter, HPSBCP and vtools .The seasons was such a one that even a beginner could easily understand the basic reporting manners and styles to be followed.
The overall event was a fruitful one in molding up of a leader who could guide in front with full dedication. It was always the duty of the leader to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.