The IEEE PES student chapter and VIDYUTH 2019 ( Electrical and Electronics association , Marian Engineering college) was held on 22 nd august 2019 at Benziger hall,Marian engineering college . Our Cheif guest for the day was Shri . Suhair A K , Chairman  IEEE PES Kerala chapter .

       Our bursar Rev . Fr . Sudheesh , Manager very. Rev .Fr Wilfred E , Director Prof Tomy Michael, Principal Dr. Ruby Abraham , Hod Dr . Vijayalekshmi S, Vidyuth Coordinator Mr Sujith kumar A. S ( AP EEE ) were present. 

The welcome address was proposed by Anish . A . Kumar, IEEE PES SBC chair and annual report and year plan was proposed by Jasmin Shanavas IEEE PES SBC V  chair . The VIDYUTH 2019 logo was released by cheif guest Shri . Suhair A K and the activities for the year 2019  were  officially inaugurated .

            Badges of honour were given to the stake holders  of VIDYUTH      2019 Manu M (VIDYUTH 2019 , President ) , Maheen . A (VIDYUTH 2019 , Secretary) , Jayakrishnan G S (VIDYUTH 2019 , Joint Secretary )  , Sandra Murali (VIDYUTH 2019 , Treasurer) by chief guest  Shri . Suhair A K

           The IEEE PES student chapter official site was released .  The 3 phase regenerated certificates for the 1st and second prize holders for 6 diff events namely treasure hunt , blow it or glow it , rubix cube , touch me not , circuit drawing and circuit debugging  were given . After the refreshments there was a small interactive session with cheif guest Shri . Suhair A K , Chairman  IEEE PES Kerala chapter .