All Kerala Power and Energy Society Student Colloqiuim 2019
The Power and Energy Society Kerala Chapter in association with College of Engineering Karunagappally , hosted its most prestigious event All Kerala Power and Energy Society Students Colloquium (AKPESSC_19) on 23-25 September 2019.
The three day event aimed at the technical moulding up of students to make them more skill Oriented and the Colloquium succeed in completing it’s mission.
Day 1
The first day started off with the inauguration ceremony . The code of ethics by Mr.Akshay Krishnan, chairman IEEE SB. Dr Jaya VL ,the Principal of College of Engineering Karunagappally delivered the welcome speech were she wholeheartedly welcomed all the respectable dignitaries , delegates and volunteers to the dream event. Later on moved to the core attraction of the event, the lamp lighting ceremony, the lamp of enlightenment was glowed up by the respectable dignitaries. The honorable guest of the event Shri. S Somanath, Director VSSC Thiruvananthapuram, went on with his inaugural speech. The chairman of Centre for Environment and Development Prof. V K Damodaran greeted the audience followed by Er.Suhair A K, the chairman of IEEE PES Kerala Chapter, Dr.Ing Peter Magyar,the past chairman IEEE IAS CMD and Er.Haseena P V ,advisor of IEEE PES SB CEK delivered their felicitations. Mr. Hari Prasad, chairman PES IEEE SB CEK delivered the vote of thanks.Outstanding Volunteer Award:- Mr. Biju K (EEE department CE Munnar)
Outstanding Engineer Award:-Prabin James(Asst prof Vimal jyothy College of Engineering) 3.Outstanding PES student chapter
Gold:- NSS college of Engineering palakkad Silver::- College of Engineering Chengannur Bronze:- College of Engineering Karunagappally
4.Outstanding PES volunteer Awards:-Mr. Vishnu Vijay Pillai( College of Engineering Chengannur)
:- Mr. Abinav Rajeev( NSS college of Engineering Palakkad)
5.Outstanding Counselor Award:- Er. Raju Manuel( former counselor IEEE SB CEK)
6.Special Award:- College of Engineering Karunagappally( Organizing LUXATHON 1.0)
The talk by Shri S Somanath, Director VSSC Trivandrum,the chief guest about Chandrayan 2, the second lunar exploration was an interesting one that drew the attention of many gathered there. He shared his experience that helped him to workout over there,adding more effect to the talk. The session by V K Damodaran, chairman of Centre for Environment and Development, on the” Industrial Revolution” was another gain for the delegates.His travel through the advancements in industries helped them to realise what they need to do to build up a technically equipped society.Another session of the day handled by Er Suhair AK ,the chairman IEEE PES Kerala Chapter explained the benefits of PES,the needs and relevance of being a member of such a technically focused society.
The industrial visit to the Indian Rare Earth limited, they demonstrated mineral extraction process. The visit was informative and exciting. The NSS College of Engineering Palakkad,shared their experience and explained up all the journey ,the hardwork and all that helped them to reach out that height..
First day ended up with campfire,sky lanterns and launching sky lanterns into the air.
Day 2
The line of workshops on the most sensational topics of the current generarion we’re conducted.
The workshop on “Image Processing” by Remya R S, Assistant professor CS department, College of Engineering Karunagappally really poured up the knowledge to the attendees.She explained the vast areas of image processing,made an exposure of analysis and manipulation of digitalized image.The digital image processing is the use of computer algorithms to perform image processing on digital images. As a subcategory or field of digital signal processing, digital image processing has many advantages over analog image processing and a workshop on such a thing was indeed a most relevant one.
The hands-on session by Mr. Nasarudeen, United Electrical Industries Limited on” Energy meter” was an effective workshop that could build up a knowledge on technical side.The session delivered detailed knowledge regarding energy meter’s working, application utility and all.The workshop on such a object in this energised world was more useful.
One in three,the last one was On the array of workshop was on “Electrical System Protection” by Jagannathan C,a branch of Electrical Power Engineering that deals with protection of electrical system from faults through disconnection. The workshop was such an effective one so that in the world of power everyone could really work inaccordance with the necessity of Protection of electrical system.
The other sessions on the event was “How to be a good volunteer by Nandan S,chair SAC Kerala section was an interesting one .He explained all the responsibilities of a good volunteer towards a perfect society,what they should really focus upon.The session by Prof.Deepa AK ,WIE secretary IEEE Kerla chapter and Er.staji wilson ,Young professional IEEE kerala Chapteron “How to write technical papers” and “IEEE opportunities and leadership” respectively was really the informative one where both guided the delegates and dig up the hidden strength in them.
The main attraction of the day the “Smart Energy Hackathon”, grabbed innovative ideas from twelve teams, to prevent electrical theft which is a major issue seen in now-a-days. From 12 ideas presented by each group, one was titled the best which is a contribution from Revathy J H and Hasna M Rafi (CET) Hannah Ann Mathew and Kallu Sudarsan S S(RIT) Jishnu PC, Aneeta Binoo Joseph, Jeswin Leo Sabu, Madhukrishnan AP, Eldhose Mathew Vinay VA from CETkr, YCET, VJCET, JCET, MBCET and Vidya Academy of science and technology .
Day 3
The final day of AKPESSC’19 cracked the expection of delegates with the session by Peter Magyar, the past chairman IEEE IAS CMD where he motivated the aspirants through his journey. He made a route to the students and professionals to the vast opportunity that industrial applications society provides. His presence was such a great honour for the event.The Young professional interaction on the final day laid up a foundation for all the delegates
Later the event went on with the presentation by Power and society Student Chapters on Kerala on smart city. The team of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology kottayam travelled through what are smart cities, how to build them and the standards to follow. Energy Management in smart cities has explained by College of Engineering Trivandrum. The team of Federal Institute of Science and Technology has gone through the scarcity in kochi and Trivandrum and how smart they are. A quick of 100 smartcities in India has been presented by NSS college of Engineering palakkad, and the session had ended by presentation by SCT college of engineering pappanamcode on smarty Global Models to follow. An interactive session by the Er .Suhair AK, chairman IEEE PES Kerala Chapter and Student Branch Chapters followed the presentation where each and every loopholes on smart cities have been discussed.
Mr Sathish , scientific officer at Kudamkulam Nuclear Power plant has taken a session on “Power transmission and opportunities in power transmission at nuclear power plant”, has demonstrated the working of kudamkulam Nuclear Power plant. The images and videos he showed inspired the students and he conveyed the opportunities they provide to young engineers.
The young Professionals of PES Kerala Chapter Er.Anish MS, carried the delegatesthrough his journey and thoughts, about ” Higher Education Career opportunities”. He was really meant to inspire and he did it well. Adding more value, there was a session by Er.Shyam Pradeep Alil, entrepreneur and YP volunter, IEEE Kerala Chapter on “Entrepreneurship”, no one more than him can drag you to the peak of the field.
The NSSCollege of Engineering,Pallakad gave a break to the series of AKPESSC by hosting the promotional video of XPIRYA,a new technical Celebration.
AKPESSC’19 really did what it meant and was in tact the most successful event for the year 2019 with all the technical package that could moluld up a skilled one to the society.