IEEE CUSAT SB PES & IAS Membership Development Session

A membership development session for B.Tech Undergraduates was conducted  at IEEE SB CUSAT on 7th February, 2020 coordinated by  IEEE CUSAT Power & Energy Society Student Chapter jointly with IEEE CUSAT Industrial Applications Society Student Chapter. The prominent speakers were Er. Anandhu S Kumar, PES Activity coordinator for Kerala Chapter & Er. Saran K S, PES Young Professional volunteer, IEEE Kerala Section.

The session started at 2:30pm at C Block in School of Engineering, CUSAT. The session emphasized the importance and benefits of IEEE and its societies and how one can develop his professional life with the help of these societies. The session was mainly conducted for Undergraduates especially in the field of electrical engineering. It was a lively and interactive session. Students had an overview about the functionality of IEEE and its benefits. Towards the end, students were curious to know about the organisation and benefits of being its members. In the end, students were given goodies to encourage from to give feedback for the session.

Both the speakers were given a token of appreciation by SB Chair Mr Muzin Firoz and PES & IAS Founder Chair Mr Harigovind. The session concluded by a photo session.