Technical & Interactive Sessions In Luxathon 2.0

IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Karunagappally (IEEE SB CEK), the 2018 and 2019 Regional Exemplary IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Karunagappally (IEEE SB CEK), the 2018 and 2019 Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award recipient, in association with the Power and Energy Society Student Branch Chapter, organized the second version of India’s first 24-hours national level electrical illumination hackathon, Luxathon 2.0, on the 6th, 7th and 8th of March 2020. One of the most vibrant chapters of the student branch, the power and energy society consistently plays a magnificent role in fostering quality initiatives in the student branch. Being their flagship event, Luxathon 2.0 was no exception. Transcending all perceptions on hackathons, this illumination hackathon sculptured a sense of innovation that can be a stimulus to the current and emerging needs of the technology in the students. A total of 12 teams from different parts of the country including Hyderabad Section, Bombay Section, Madras Section, UP Section and Gujarat Section participated in the hackathon. Student Branch Award recipient, in association with the Power and Energy Society Student Branch Chapter, organized the second version of India’s first 24-hours national level electrical illumination hackathon, Luxathon 2.0, on the 6th, 7th and 8th of March 2020. One of the most vibrant chapters of the student branch, the power and energy society consistently plays a magnificent role in fostering quality initiatives in the student branch. Being their flagship event, Luxathon 2.0 was no exception. Transcending all perceptions on hackathons, this illumination hackathon sculptured a sense of innovation that can be a stimulus to the current and emerging needs of the technology in the students. It was able to entrench the reputation of Luxathon 1.0, the 2019 IEEE MGA Darrel Chong Award winner (gold category), in the student community. A total of 12 teams from different parts of the country including Hyderabad Section, Bombay Section, Madras Section, UP Section and Gujarat Section participated in the hackathon.

             PES Young Professionals, IEEE Kerala Section supported Luxathon 2.0 on technical backgrounds and also with our continuous presence. Two technical sessions and two interactive sessions were conducted by PES Young Professionals team. Apart from that, as per the request from the program coordinators, PES YP team gave their continuous support during the live hackathon and finally in the hackathon evaluation process.

The afternoon section was scheduled to mentor the delegates for the 24-hour hackathon. The first workshop on microcontrollers was taken by Er. Anish M S. An introduction to robotics, microcontrollers and a detailed session regarding Arduino was conducted.

Er. Saran K S handled the next workshop on Electrical System Designs. An introduction to some important components in various electrical conversion circuits and a detailed session regarding various circuits as prerequisites for the hackathon was conducted.

DAY 2:

The second day witnessed the commencement of the 24-hour electrical illumination hackathon. The day began with a short networking and brainstorming session. The session helped the students to communicate and interact with each other, thereby creating a comfortable environment. The hackathon began exactly at 11:30 am. All the 12 teams were accommodated in 3 rooms and a set of guidelines were given to each team. The entire hackathon was divided into 7 stages. Each stage demonstrated individual electrical, electronic and computing challenges, and by the end of the 7th stage they could complete the entire illumination system. As each stage was advanced, the challenge got more complicated. All internet connections and other resources were withdrawn and the teams had to depend solely on their knowledge and other technical skills to complete each stage. The day was flushed with vibrancy, zest and exuberance as they explored each level. PES YP team supported the hackathon with their continuous presence and guidelines.

DAY 3:

The 24-hours electrical illumination hackathon came to an end by 11:30am. An expert panel of judges including Prof. Deepa A K, Prof. Haseena P Y, Prof. Sabeena K and Prof. Radhika, Mr. Anandhu S Kumar (Sr. Light Design Engineer at Wipro Lighting, IEEE YP), Ms. Staji Wilson (Assoc. Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services, YP), Mr. Anish M S (IEEE YP) and Mr. Saran K S (IEEE YP) then evaluated each team. The closing ceremony of Luxathon 2.0 began by 2:00 pm. Each of the judges then illustrated the evaluation criteria and gave suggestion for the teams.

The prize distribution ceremony was followed by an interactive session by Er. Anandhu S Kumar in which various opportunities and benefits of PES and IEEE were discussed. The participants were highly motivated by the session.

The next interactive session was conducted by Er. Staji Wilson in which the importance of women in pursuing Engineering and a brief introduction regarding Women in Power (Wip) was discussed. An activity to encourage women in pursuing Engineering as their career was also conducted as part of Women’s Day celebration.