Membership Development Sessions

2 September 2020

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter jointly with IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter Government Engineering College Idukki conducted Membership Development Session for the Students of GEC Idukki on 2nd September 2020; from 7pm IST onwards. The session included presentation on IEEE PES Kerala Chapter activities, IEEE PES Women in Power and IEEE PES Membership benefits and opportunities taken by Mr. Nithin V M, Ms. Hamna Sunil and Mr. Madhu Krishnan A P respectively. Over 30 students attended in the session which was carried out through online in Google Meets

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter and IEEE PES SBC College of Engineering Trikaripur conducted Membership Development Session for the students of College of Engineering Trikaripur on 4th September 2020; from 7pm IST through Online in Google meet. A presentation on IEEE PES Kerala chapter was taken by Mr. Nithin V M which was followed by a presentation on IEEE PES Women in Engineering by Ms. Hamna Sunil. Lastly Mr. Madhu Krishnan took a session on IEEE PES Benefits and Opportunities. The session had a audience of 20 students

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter’s Eight  Membership Development session was conducted with Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology . It was on the 6th of September 2020 at 7 PM. The session was headed by Madhu Krishnan AP, Nithin VM and Hamna Sunil.

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter’s Tenth  Membership Development session was conducted with Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology. It was on the 13th of September 2020 at 6 PM. The session was headed by Madhu Krishnan AP, Nithin VM and Hamna Sunil.

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter’s Eleventh  Membership Development session was conducted with Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology. It was on the 26th of September 2020 at 5 PM. The session was headed by Madhu Krishnan AP, Nithin VM and Hamna Sunil.

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter’s Twelth  Membership Development session was conducted with  College of  Engineering Vadakara. It was on the 27th of September 2020 at 6 PM. The session was headed by Madhu Krishnan AP, Nithin VM and Hamna Sunil.

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter’s Thirteenth  Membership Development session was conducted with  College of  Engineering Trivandrum. It was on the 1st of October 2020 at 7 PM. The session was headed by Madhu Krishnan AP, Nithin VM and Hamna Sunil.