Remembering Legends 2.0:- INGENIUM

31 January - 10 February 2021

IEEE PES SBC CETkr organized INGENIUM, a commemoration to the great legend, Benjamin Franklin as part of Remembering Legends 2.0. An essay writing competition and poster designing competition was held in accordance with the event from 31st January -10th February 2021. It was exclusively for first year students. There were a total of 7 participants.

The topic for essay writing competition was “Benjamin Franklin, an inspiration to Engineers of all generations” and the topic for poster designing competition was “Contributions of Benjamin Franklin as a scientist and leader”. The Entries were received through Google forms. Adharsh P Sunil was selected as the winner of essay writing competition and Sterin Roy was the winner of poster designing contest both the winners were bestowed with certificates.

Winners of the Event