All Kerala Power & Energy Young Professionals Congress - AKPESYPC

26 December 2020

The Power and Energy Society Kerala Chapter  hosted its most prestigious event All Kerala Power and Energy Society Students Colloquium (AKPESSC 20) on 4-7th december 2020.

The four day event aimed at the technical moulding up of students to make them more skill Oriented and the Colloquium succeed in completing its mission.

Day 1

Day-1 of AKPESYPC started with the inaugural ceremony on 26th December 2020 at 6:30 pm. Er.A K Suhair, Chair, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter, delivered the inaugural address. The ceremony also had the presence of Er.Hasla Dharmawardena, Chair, IEEE Young Professionals Region 3, Er.Ajith Gopi,Vice-Chair, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter, Dr.Bobby Phillip, Secretary, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter, Er.K P Harikumar, Treasurer, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter, Er.Anandhu S Kumar, Student Activities Coordinator, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter & Er.Staji Wilson, WiP Sub-Regional Representative, IEEE PES.

The inaugural ceremony was followed by the IEEE PES YP Kerala 2020 Activities reporting by Er.K S Saran, PES Activities Coordinator, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter, Ms.Raneena Raoof, Activities Coordinator (Malabar), IEEE PES YP Kerala, Er.Abhinav Rajeev, Activities Coordinator (Kochi), IEEE PES YP Kerala, and Er.David Jones , Academia development & activities team coordinator IEEE PES YP Kerala. Er.Anish M S, Global Relations Coordinator, IEEE PES YP Kerala, handled the session on renewing IEEE membership. This was succeeded by the session Industry Walk Through. Mr.Sayanth K S, CEO, M&D Aerolabs Pvt. Ltd., shared his experience as an entrepreneur and the story of M&D Aerolabs Pvt. Ltd. The session concluded by 9:30 pm which closed day 1 of the event.

Day 2

Day-2 of AKPESYPC was initiated at 6:30 pm on 27th December 2020 with the session Virtual Labs in which transmission of SCADA & simulation of various faults was demonstrated by Er.Aravind H.S PG Research Scholar, Industrial Power & Automation EED, NIT Calicut. This was followed by E-Vision in which Er.Ravishankar A N, PhD Research Scholar-Electric Vehicles, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Calicut, shared his story as a Researcher. This was succeeded by the final session Nuclei, a talk on Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant was handled by Mr.A V Sathish, Scientific Officer, Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant. The event concluded at 9:30 pm with a closing ceremony. Er.Anandhu S Kumar, Student Activities Coordinator, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter and Student Transition & Elevation Team Lead, IEEE PES YP Kerala, presented the achievements of IEEE PES YP Kerala in 2020 & Er.Sreekesh E, Meetup Coordinator (Malabar), IEEE PES YP Kerala delivered the vote of thanks during the closing ceremony.